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Senior Manager, EY
Associate Fellow, ECARES, SBS-EM, Université libre de Bruxelles
I am an applied macroeconomist with extensive experience in nowcasting, forecasting, economic impact assessment, macroeconomic policy scenario analysis.
I work as a Senior Manager in the Valuation, Modeling & Economics team of EY in Rome.
Previously, I have been working as a senior economist in the Economic Research Department of Confindustria, the General Confederation of Italian Industry, managing the macro-econometric models for forecasting and scenario analysis, and as a principal economist at Now-Casting Economics in London, a boutique firm specialized in real-time macroeconomic forecasting.
I hold a PhD in Quantitative Economics from ECARES, Université libre de Bruxelles (supervised by Domenico Giannone and Philippe Weil) and a PhD in Econometrics from LUISS Guido Carli (supervised by Giuseppe Ragusa).
My main research interests lie in the field of empirical macroeconomics. In particular, I am doing research on short-term macroeconomic forecasting and on the interactions between macroeconomic news and asset prices.
My profile on Google Scholar here and on Repec here.
Here is my CV.

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